Star Trek. It’s in my blood, and the other half of the reason it is in my blog title. My mother is a diehard classic, William Shatner Star Trek fan. She loves Spock the most. I grew up on the rerun of the 3 seasons. At this moment, I can’t remember all the old episodes, but I have my favorites. My father wasn’t a huge fan, at the time, but he loves Star Wars and other science fiction shows. Mom also likes Twilight Zone.
In the fall of 1987, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry gave us Star Trek: The Next Generation. That incarnation of Trek is the one that sticks with me the most, and it’s my favorite. Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes portrayed Capt. Picard and Cmdr. Riker, respectively. Two great looking men portraying two of my favorite heroes. As a teenager, nothing in my life could be better. The stories always had me captivated.
After Next Gen came Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I believe DS9 is my father’s favorite version of Trek. We became more familiar with the Ferengi through Quark, and we also knew the Cardassians and Bajorans better, along with the Founders and a new enemy, the Dominion.
Star Trek: Voyager was a show I stuck with for the first 3 seasons and then lost interest. I saw some Season 5 episodes and liked them, and then saw some Season 7 episodes and liked those better. In Season 5-7 was the Tom/B’lanna relationship and the Borg, Seven of Nine. Chakotay always sounded like he had marbles in his cheeks, and Capt. Janeway and her husky whispers hinted at a Capt./Commander relationship that really wasn’t there. Still, it was funny to think about. I wrote my own tongue-in-cheek ending for the series.
I attempted to watch Star Trek: Enterprise. I failed. Scott Bakula was a good fit as Captain Archer, and I loved Connor Trinneer as Tripp Tucker, the engineer. T’pol was an interesting Vulcan. However, the plot wasn’t there and after season 1, I saw the final 2 episodes, which were passable.
I saw all the movies up until the last. Star Trek II and Star Trek: First Contact are my faves of the bunch. The new movie I completely passed on. They got it right at the series level with Next Gen. Stop the buck and go no further.
I have been to more than a handful of Star Trek Conventions in my life and enjoyed every one. I've met Bruce Boxleitner, Marc Singer, Nichelle Nichols, Marina Sirtis, Teryl Rothery, Amanda Tapping, Carmen Argenziano, Connor Trinneer and several others. The experience of a convention is fun, fun, fun. There is entertainment, dressing up if you want, autographing, photographing, and shopping. An art show and workshops, too.
My early introduction to Star Trek led me to love sci-fi in general and other shows, like V, Babylon 5, which my dad and I enjoyed together, Beauty and the Beast, which my mom, sister and I all watched, and Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis.
As to Trekker or Trekkie. Trekker seems a little more stuffy, but that’s okay. Please, call me either. I wear both titles as a badge of honor, along with my geek and nerd ribbons. Trek on, friends, trek on!