31 December 2009

What 2009 taught

Half the world is in 2010, now. As 2009 wanes, I remembered I'd posted the following on Facebook:

"We are 14 days into 2009. A scant 2 weeks (and not a paycheck, yet!) and I have become educated.

#1 - NEVER wash your comforters at the laundromat during the coldest week of winter. They take 2 hours to dry each (even at home) so...thank goodness for backup blankies. Granted, I HAD to do it but maybe the weekend would've been a better idea.

#2 - McDonald's avoidance is a good thing, and really, not that hard to do. OK, I am NOT giving up Mac's forever! That's impossible, they're everywhere, same as Starbucks, only McD's started this in the 50's.

#3 - Tuna and baked beans should have pop tops. If the soup companies and Chef Boyardee can do it, so can Bush's and Bumblebee. C'mon, people! This way I won't have to drag my ONE canopener to work and back and then be upset at home when I realize I've left it at work over the weekend.

#4 - You know it when your cats feel better. They go back to their old routines, ALWAYS, and don't sleep so much. I know, cats are supposed to sleep, right? but I know they still have routines

#5 - A box of 10 oz. Wheat thins will stay fresh and crispy at least 2 weeks if you keep the inner bag folded down."

. . . and to add to the list . . .

#6 - I DO know what to do when I unexpectedly hit a patch of ice while driving. On December 24, 2009 I successfully did NOT stomp on the brakes, turned the wheel the direction of my spin and once on dry road hit the brakes, thus not crashing into the jersey wall. And I got the car started once I remembered to put it in park.

#7 - Three is more than enough cats. Between the litterpans and the puking, trust me.

#8 - I'm not too old for tae kwon do. Big misconception on my part, so glad I returned to it.

#9 - It's good to spend time with your family when you can. Life really isn't all that busy. You can get there and visit. Just do it.

#10 - A monopod is a good thing, really. I've been converted and intend to stay so. They're versatile, and, you never know till you try just HOW good a picture you will get. Thanks to Jim, my buddy.

In closing I must say, the 3 0z. Bumblebee brand tuna cans ARE pop tops and are great for lunch! Thank you, Bumblebee! Happy New Year, everyone. 2010 is here!

30 December 2009

No Car Wash

Okay, I get it, I really do. I know machines don't care, and that they're just doing what they're told to do by humans. So, Monday it is, I am standing at the gas pump. Slide card. Tell pump to use credit.

"Do you want a car wash?"

REALLY? It's only 50 degrees below crazy-cold out. I'm SURE there are people either stupid enough or vain enough to NEED their car washed on a day like today, but I am not one of them.


Begin to pump fuel. I am sure at this point, if the pump had knees, it would've even tried to get down on them and plead with me. Thank goodness they don't. Really, fuel station owners, use your common sense. I know a gas station and car wash go hand in hand in warmer months but in winter, at least the official months of December through March, turn off that stupid message. I know you can! FTW, do it!

28 December 2009

Christmas Fun

Merry Christmas! Happy new year!

The baby Jesus is here, and so, we celebrated on December 25. There were frothers and toe socks, M&Ms and videos given, as well as video games, card games, and one week long cruise. Lots of smiles went around the tree. I am specially fond of my Happy Birthday gift card to Target. Mom was quick to point out that it means Happy Birthday, Jesus. I accept that, as my birthday has past. Also to be enjoyed are those toe socks. These events being only from Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day there was TV, nephew time, good food and the white elephant exchange. I am going to enjoy my specialty popcorn with spray butter and seasonings. The hot cocoa package I brought went to my brother and his frother. Most excellent!

There is one thing only I do not look forward to...Un-Christmas-ing! I will put it off, as long as I can.

20 December 2009

Gummy Taste

On a completely random note, I have a blog tonight about gummy bears. It sounds crazy, but there's a lot of candy around Christmas, so maybe not too crazy. All I can say is, they all taste the same. Yes, the bears are different colors...green, red, clear. They all have that sweet, yummy taste. What truly matters with the things is freshness. If they are too hard, they are intolerable for eating. Softer is better. Then you only have to chew a couple times and swallow that yummy sweetness. Still, they all taste the same. Why that is? I don't know. It doesn't affect me, as I still purchase the sweet treat. So.....

Here's wishing everyone g-bears in their stockings!

07 December 2009

Christmas movies

It is that time of year when I fire up my DVD player and watch endless rounds of A Christmas Carol. Yesterday, for the first time, I watched Love Actually. It was pretty good. Better as a date movie than a watch-alone, though. Kinda depressing that way. It's meant to be funny. Some of it is and some of it is a let down. My least favorite was Bill the singer. It was a very entertaining way to see how the Christmas spirit can infect us all, no matter our occupations.

I was reflecting yesterday that I have not seen most Christmas movies all the way through. I did see Home Alone and A Christmas Story, Will Farrell in Elf, and some of the Bass/Rankin ones. Not Holiday Inn, Miracle on 42nd Street or It's a Wonderful Life, though. It's more specifically the classics. I will have to see if I can correct that this year. I mean, I am decorating for once, why not throw in some movies, too?

05 December 2009

First Snow of December

I awoke to snow pelting down this morning. We had maybe an inch that stuck to the ground by the time all was said and done. It even started to melt. Many of my friends wanted more snow on the ground. People seemed to have a Christmas/Holiday mood. This happened for me, as well. I haven't pulled out my artifical 6 foot tree in so long, I thought it was only a 4 foot tree. It is out and up now, thanks to a little thing called snow.

03 December 2009

Martial Arts Thing

In class, 1 practice drill was a double round kick. You kick once, don't put your foot down then kick again, higher. After that we donned sparring gear. Now, granted, the guy I sparred tonight is younger and smaller than me. We had 3 90 second rounds. Toward the last 10 sec. of the 2nd round, I decided to try the double round and it worked! I connected and was shocked.

Slowly, I make my way to full blue belt.

01 December 2009


I was thinking today how more than a couple of my favorite sci-fi TV shows involve a character named John.

There is Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation (French for John-Luke of course)

John J. Sheridan, Babylon 5

John Druitt, Sanctuary

John Sheppard, Stargate: Atlantis

John, V the original 80s version (Visitor Supreme Commander)

and if it counts:

"Jon"athan Jack O'Neill, Stargate:SG-1

"Jon"athan Archer, Star Trek: Enterprise

I'm just sayin'. I like it. There's a pattern there. I guess I have good TV show judgment. LOL

Happy Tuesday to all!

A piccie from my ride home this eve...