28 April 2010


I've been viewing a lot of movies, lately. Most are oldies I never got around to. Today I am reviewing a few that I had not seen all the way through, before. Spoilers may abound. You've been warned.

1. The American President. Michael Douglas plays a convincing President Andrew Shepherd and Annette Benning plays a little bit less convincing lobbyist that he falls in love with. Directed by the unique Rob Reiner. I love watching this movie over and over, despite the archenemy, GOP leader being named Bob Rumson. Almost too close to real life, but with cast such as Michael J. Fox and Martin Sheen co-starring, it is most enjoyable. Just ask my sister. A+

2. The Lake House. Keanu Reeves plays an architect's son who is remodeling the Lake House. Sandra Bullock plays the woman who previously owned it. At least, that's what we presume, until we learn otherwise. Even though the plot was pretty transparent and there's a lot of voiceover (out of necessity), the story is great and believe it or not, Timeless. A

3. Miller's Crossing. Gabriel Byrne plays Tom in an early 1900s-era story about which side of the mob to work for. As in any movie, there is blood. Some of it predictable, some of it not. This movie goes in a few directions at once and kept me hooked. If you want Godfather-style plotting in a 2-hour jaunt, the Coen Bros. deliver! A-

4. & 5. - Sleepless in Seattle. This is a cult favorite, but not so much for me. I've seen it once, I can be done with it forever. Yes, the little boy and girl are the true stars of the show while Rosie O is eating or drinking coffee in every scene and Tom Hanks' character is pretending to be interested in someone he really isn't. Just go to NY and give us the ending we want! C+
- My Best Friend's Wedding. Julia Roberts plays Julianne, who is in love with her male best friend from high school. He's turning 28 and getting married to a girl akin to being mogul Ted Turner's daughter. Julianne does such dastardly (hey, it's a word) things to her "best friend" in order to stop the wedding that when I fell asleep, I didn't bother to finish the movie the next night. I just put it away. D

6. Avatar. I had the great fortune to see this movie at my dad's house. This was a true surprise from James Cameron. I was shocked to discover he wrote it. It's definitely absurd in some places - such as naming a mineral Unobtanium or not providing surgery to a soldier who needs it, just so the story is served. Still, it was a treat for the eyes and has the shoot-em-up quality some folks go for. Even with the predictability of some elements in the sub-plot, I didn't mind hanging out with the Na'vi and I'd do it again. B+

27 April 2010

Summing up

I have missed posting for most of April, also. Have been pulled in many directions. This blog will sum up a few of the others. Stinky, my (dead) pet stink bug, is gone. Has been since about 3 weeks ago. The cleaning crew finally got him. They did miss him on the first pass. Taekwondo and kumdo training continue. I tested for blue belt with red stripe in taekwondo and for yellow belt in kumdo last week. I hope to receive my belts at class on Wednesday since I can't get there before that. This is assuming I passed.

The fiction writing goes on. I washed out of one of the challenges on the first round. I am now in round 3 of the 2nd challenge - having taken 3rd of 5 places in the last challenge. It's difficult to write in one week for a specific prompt. Am I having fun with it? I think so, but I also hate being washed out of the other.

Photography is going. . . slowly. The current challenge is hugs. I think I can manage that one. It's a matter of getting off my butt and setting up the tripod and getting the shot set.

I decided on Sunday that it was time to quit the 'gimpy knee job,' so I put in notice last evening. My boss will probably get it today or tomorrow. I barely ever see her. My body can't keep up with the requirements of never sitting, my feet always hurt and I would like more than one Sunday a month to myself. All in all, I think my knees will be very happy!