01 June 2011

American Summer

It’s the first of June, and I have happily made my way through the month of May and the “official” start of another American Summer – Memorial Day weekend. I spent Saturday and some of Monday catching up on sleep. Sunday during the day, I drove with my family to a family cookout in Delaware (Maryland to Delaware). Traffic was perfect, and we arrived an hour and a half early to our destination. During the ride, I rediscovered the fun of my Nintendo DS portable videogame system. I had not played with it all year. Only messed around with one game – a “gamepack” of 40 different cad games and board games, like Texas Hold ‘Em and Battleship. If there had been traffic, I would eventually put Tetris in. Can play that one for a long, long time. The DS usually sits collecting dust, but was handy to have on Sunday. The barbeque was a really great time. All of my mother’s siblings were there – Judy, Ronnie, and Jimmy. I saw cousins I had not seen in at least 2 years, and my cousins’ kids. I took over 200 photos and some video of my aunts and uncles and the general goings on. Got to eat ribs, and they were very yummy. I drove us home, and again traffic was perfect. Delaware’s a nice straight shot down 95 when there’s no traffic.

Monday I met my friend Keith to see Kung Fu Panda 2…by Disney/Dreamworks. I have not seen the first one. This one was fine as a “stand alone.” I think it was really well done and gets 3 or 4 messages across very nicely. Also the comedy was appropriately dispersed within the serious moments and there weren’t fart/barf/stupid jokes at all. In fact I would give this movie an A. Some of it is a bit repetitive, they could have wrapped the movie sooner, but the pacing overall was fine and I liked the ending a lot.

Yesterday, it was back to work with my happy memories of an American Summer well started.

28 April 2010


I've been viewing a lot of movies, lately. Most are oldies I never got around to. Today I am reviewing a few that I had not seen all the way through, before. Spoilers may abound. You've been warned.

1. The American President. Michael Douglas plays a convincing President Andrew Shepherd and Annette Benning plays a little bit less convincing lobbyist that he falls in love with. Directed by the unique Rob Reiner. I love watching this movie over and over, despite the archenemy, GOP leader being named Bob Rumson. Almost too close to real life, but with cast such as Michael J. Fox and Martin Sheen co-starring, it is most enjoyable. Just ask my sister. A+

2. The Lake House. Keanu Reeves plays an architect's son who is remodeling the Lake House. Sandra Bullock plays the woman who previously owned it. At least, that's what we presume, until we learn otherwise. Even though the plot was pretty transparent and there's a lot of voiceover (out of necessity), the story is great and believe it or not, Timeless. A

3. Miller's Crossing. Gabriel Byrne plays Tom in an early 1900s-era story about which side of the mob to work for. As in any movie, there is blood. Some of it predictable, some of it not. This movie goes in a few directions at once and kept me hooked. If you want Godfather-style plotting in a 2-hour jaunt, the Coen Bros. deliver! A-

4. & 5. - Sleepless in Seattle. This is a cult favorite, but not so much for me. I've seen it once, I can be done with it forever. Yes, the little boy and girl are the true stars of the show while Rosie O is eating or drinking coffee in every scene and Tom Hanks' character is pretending to be interested in someone he really isn't. Just go to NY and give us the ending we want! C+
- My Best Friend's Wedding. Julia Roberts plays Julianne, who is in love with her male best friend from high school. He's turning 28 and getting married to a girl akin to being mogul Ted Turner's daughter. Julianne does such dastardly (hey, it's a word) things to her "best friend" in order to stop the wedding that when I fell asleep, I didn't bother to finish the movie the next night. I just put it away. D

6. Avatar. I had the great fortune to see this movie at my dad's house. This was a true surprise from James Cameron. I was shocked to discover he wrote it. It's definitely absurd in some places - such as naming a mineral Unobtanium or not providing surgery to a soldier who needs it, just so the story is served. Still, it was a treat for the eyes and has the shoot-em-up quality some folks go for. Even with the predictability of some elements in the sub-plot, I didn't mind hanging out with the Na'vi and I'd do it again. B+

27 April 2010

Summing up

I have missed posting for most of April, also. Have been pulled in many directions. This blog will sum up a few of the others. Stinky, my (dead) pet stink bug, is gone. Has been since about 3 weeks ago. The cleaning crew finally got him. They did miss him on the first pass. Taekwondo and kumdo training continue. I tested for blue belt with red stripe in taekwondo and for yellow belt in kumdo last week. I hope to receive my belts at class on Wednesday since I can't get there before that. This is assuming I passed.

The fiction writing goes on. I washed out of one of the challenges on the first round. I am now in round 3 of the 2nd challenge - having taken 3rd of 5 places in the last challenge. It's difficult to write in one week for a specific prompt. Am I having fun with it? I think so, but I also hate being washed out of the other.

Photography is going. . . slowly. The current challenge is hugs. I think I can manage that one. It's a matter of getting off my butt and setting up the tripod and getting the shot set.

I decided on Sunday that it was time to quit the 'gimpy knee job,' so I put in notice last evening. My boss will probably get it today or tomorrow. I barely ever see her. My body can't keep up with the requirements of never sitting, my feet always hurt and I would like more than one Sunday a month to myself. All in all, I think my knees will be very happy!

22 March 2010

West Virginia time

Ahhhhhhhhh! Almost a month since I've blogged! March is always a tricky, busy month for me. I tarry onward!

Over the last weekend, had a splendid visit to see a friend's new home in West Virginia. Nice townhouse, good size. Great place for her and her retired parents, the dog, the cat, and the bird. The columns on the front porch, cool and classy. The kitchen is big and open. The rec room is spacious and comfortable. In summer, it will be one of the coldest rooms in the house. I took a few photos. I'm not happy with the lopsided photo of the front of the house. An excuse to visit again!

25 February 2010

Stinky the (dead) Pet Stink Bug

I have a (dead) pet stink bug named Stinky. The main reason is that he fell into my life. Literally fell. I was at work and heard something fall onto a windowsill. There was Stinky, right side up. He's still there.

I've photographed him with props and without. It would be interesting to see how he bio-degrades, and if the cleaning staff will remove him. I am going to make it tough by lowering the blinds, on the next day for scheduled cleaning, just to show how 'well' or not they do clean the office.

I got the idea to do this from the bugs that are (always) dying in the back ledge of my car. I am lazy, and do nothing about them. My car is old and paid for, so no reason to clean, right? Okay, I should, but I don't. On with the exciting adventures of Stinky. The (dead) pet stink bug.
I noticed today that his 'wing covering' is starting to dissipate and you can see his wing. He constantly leaning left due to posture issues caused by being dead.

24 February 2010

Student in the Middle

The instructor who taught most of my classes in tae kwon do and kum do quit last Tuesday. There is a lot to the story. One person gave one reason. Another person gave other reasons. I am sympathetic to both the employer and the instructor.

I feel as if I am expected to take sides. To join in with the irritation of the instructor who quit, and also leave the school, or to stay where I am. The decision is made, since I have two years left on my contract. The instruction is basically the same, also.

In truth, both sides made mistakes. Both sides need to forgive, if a friendship is to be salvaged. Unfortunately, I do not think this will happen. A new instructor is expected in the next couple weeks. The Grand Master really needs to do this, in order to ensure his business continues smoothly.

It's not what we, the students, necessarily want, but it is what must be. It sort of . . . stinks.

My little (dead) pet stink bug, Stinky . . .

23 February 2010

Livejournal Challenge

As a fun challenge to myself, I found a livejournal, through a friend, wherein you write on a deadline, then the stories are voted and people are eliminated one round at a time. Like "musical chairs." Actually, I found 2--both for Stargate. The best description is "last fic writer standing." So far I've only had to do 1 story and in the warm up round, no one's eliminated.

I didn't win the warm up round, but I sure learned a lot in reading the other entries. The next challenge is over on March 8, so I have to get thinking, but I am excited, it's fun!

09 February 2010

Not about the snow

This blog is about anything but snow--that can be tomorrow or something. That said, I am giving a shout out to my MOM AND DAD, BILL AND GERRY!! Happy 40th, you two. It is rare to see 2 people married for so long, anymore. Hit the Wayback Time Machine and harken back to Feb. 7, 1970. Dad in his tuxedo, Ma in her wedding gown, such the couple. Then it was off for honeymoon and BOOM Nov. 1970 you entered parenthood. Your daughter had a fine time being an only, until Feb. 1974. Then she was big sister to a little boy. Mom and Dad, you then took a Navy-assigned trip to Morocco where *I* was born. In 1978, you were home again in Virginia where you had another daughter. Some time passed. You lived life and made it through.

Spring of 1983, your lucky 2nd son was born in North Carolina - your second stop there. With family to the North, we all moved North, too, to Maryland, the state that is now my home. Dad retired and worked in the medical field until his true calling in computers caught up with him. Mom, you always worked hard, whether it was a part-time job or at home with us children.

Happy 40th, Mom and Dad, and here's to 40 more! wooo hoo!!

Love, me.

26 January 2010

Bad art, drawn badly

The fireman says: Sorry! Ladder's too short and in the wrong position! This artiste is awful!

It's bad art that I had the chance to do during work. I need lessons. Maybe I'll just stick to writing and photography.

25 January 2010

Gimpy Knee Club

First, I have been doing a lot of martial arts and photography related things. Among them, I tested for blue belt in taekwondo and white with yellow stripe belt in kumdo. In the photography realm, I've just been working on challenges for my group and other random things.

To the business at hand, and true subject of tonight's column...people wonder how or why I can be a member of the Gimpy Knee Club. After all, I take 2 kinds of martial arts. Easy. It's a matter of genetics (bad knees in the family) and working ye olde part-time job. I am employed where I make books and do other paper-related things. You could call it a copy center if you like. The last 2 shifts (6 hours yesterday, 2.5 today) I have spent on the below items...books to be spiral bound x 1000 (500 yellow, 500 sky blue covers). . . this is the pre-punched or drilled work ...

This is the Rhin-o Tuff machine for spiral binding. You can fit maybe 25 sheets into the little gutter and these books are about 75-100 sheets each. So, 3-4 punches per book.

This is the pedal, which I use with my left foot, while I keep my right leg/knee straight for balance and support... see all the punched out holes?

The finished product below, well, some of it. . . .

After about 6-8 boxes of this, my knee needs resting...as do my feet! And that is how I became a member of the Gimpy Knee Club.

10 January 2010

Just sayin . . . January

Wow, 11 days into Jan. and this is only my second blog. Ack. I must visit more! As a photographer, my photo of chocolate (see pic) was voted winner for our Green and Red challenge on Jan 2. Woo hooo! Bragging rights as group home page pic for 2 weeks!!

As a martial artist, I am becoming more adept at kum do. That is, I've pretty well learned the basic form, finally! I am also learning sparring techniques, language, and understanding what level of physical control I need. As tae kwon do goes along, I am gearing up to earn my blue belt. One goal I have is to increase my stamina. That is my weakness right now, but I will need to overcome so that I can spar longer before I am winded.

And now, a peeve. Kellie Pickler is NOT a singer. Country or otherwise. I don't care what TV/radio says. Her song, "Best Days..." is just awful. Like teeny bopper junk. She doesn't even sing it well, particularly at the end (ie: your li-i-i-i-ifeeeee). Can ya say 1980's hair band? Ugh, I can just hear my music teacher correcting the horrid sound. Instant changer of the radio station. End peeve.

02 January 2010


Jan 2, 2010, and it's a great year, so far. I stayed out at a friend's where we played Clever Endeavor, Huggermugger and my favorite game, Pictionary. A pleasant evening spent with good people.

For most of my family's gatherings, I drag people to the table and have them play Pictionary. It is not easy to find volunteers. Never is the game started early enough, but it's hard to play prior to a meal when some of the players are cooking. I've been fascinated with the game for 20 years or so, would play it every day, given the chance.

Clever Endeavor is a 'guess who/what I am' game. Huggermugger is a 'mystery word' guessing game. Both were new to me, but a ton of fun. I'd love a repeat in December!
Huggermugger -

31 December 2009

What 2009 taught

Half the world is in 2010, now. As 2009 wanes, I remembered I'd posted the following on Facebook:

"We are 14 days into 2009. A scant 2 weeks (and not a paycheck, yet!) and I have become educated.

#1 - NEVER wash your comforters at the laundromat during the coldest week of winter. They take 2 hours to dry each (even at home) so...thank goodness for backup blankies. Granted, I HAD to do it but maybe the weekend would've been a better idea.

#2 - McDonald's avoidance is a good thing, and really, not that hard to do. OK, I am NOT giving up Mac's forever! That's impossible, they're everywhere, same as Starbucks, only McD's started this in the 50's.

#3 - Tuna and baked beans should have pop tops. If the soup companies and Chef Boyardee can do it, so can Bush's and Bumblebee. C'mon, people! This way I won't have to drag my ONE canopener to work and back and then be upset at home when I realize I've left it at work over the weekend.

#4 - You know it when your cats feel better. They go back to their old routines, ALWAYS, and don't sleep so much. I know, cats are supposed to sleep, right? but I know they still have routines

#5 - A box of 10 oz. Wheat thins will stay fresh and crispy at least 2 weeks if you keep the inner bag folded down."

. . . and to add to the list . . .

#6 - I DO know what to do when I unexpectedly hit a patch of ice while driving. On December 24, 2009 I successfully did NOT stomp on the brakes, turned the wheel the direction of my spin and once on dry road hit the brakes, thus not crashing into the jersey wall. And I got the car started once I remembered to put it in park.

#7 - Three is more than enough cats. Between the litterpans and the puking, trust me.

#8 - I'm not too old for tae kwon do. Big misconception on my part, so glad I returned to it.

#9 - It's good to spend time with your family when you can. Life really isn't all that busy. You can get there and visit. Just do it.

#10 - A monopod is a good thing, really. I've been converted and intend to stay so. They're versatile, and, you never know till you try just HOW good a picture you will get. Thanks to Jim, my buddy.

In closing I must say, the 3 0z. Bumblebee brand tuna cans ARE pop tops and are great for lunch! Thank you, Bumblebee! Happy New Year, everyone. 2010 is here!

30 December 2009

No Car Wash

Okay, I get it, I really do. I know machines don't care, and that they're just doing what they're told to do by humans. So, Monday it is, I am standing at the gas pump. Slide card. Tell pump to use credit.

"Do you want a car wash?"

REALLY? It's only 50 degrees below crazy-cold out. I'm SURE there are people either stupid enough or vain enough to NEED their car washed on a day like today, but I am not one of them.


Begin to pump fuel. I am sure at this point, if the pump had knees, it would've even tried to get down on them and plead with me. Thank goodness they don't. Really, fuel station owners, use your common sense. I know a gas station and car wash go hand in hand in warmer months but in winter, at least the official months of December through March, turn off that stupid message. I know you can! FTW, do it!

28 December 2009

Christmas Fun

Merry Christmas! Happy new year!

The baby Jesus is here, and so, we celebrated on December 25. There were frothers and toe socks, M&Ms and videos given, as well as video games, card games, and one week long cruise. Lots of smiles went around the tree. I am specially fond of my Happy Birthday gift card to Target. Mom was quick to point out that it means Happy Birthday, Jesus. I accept that, as my birthday has past. Also to be enjoyed are those toe socks. These events being only from Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day there was TV, nephew time, good food and the white elephant exchange. I am going to enjoy my specialty popcorn with spray butter and seasonings. The hot cocoa package I brought went to my brother and his frother. Most excellent!

There is one thing only I do not look forward to...Un-Christmas-ing! I will put it off, as long as I can.