25 January 2010

Gimpy Knee Club

First, I have been doing a lot of martial arts and photography related things. Among them, I tested for blue belt in taekwondo and white with yellow stripe belt in kumdo. In the photography realm, I've just been working on challenges for my group and other random things.

To the business at hand, and true subject of tonight's column...people wonder how or why I can be a member of the Gimpy Knee Club. After all, I take 2 kinds of martial arts. Easy. It's a matter of genetics (bad knees in the family) and working ye olde part-time job. I am employed where I make books and do other paper-related things. You could call it a copy center if you like. The last 2 shifts (6 hours yesterday, 2.5 today) I have spent on the below items...books to be spiral bound x 1000 (500 yellow, 500 sky blue covers). . . this is the pre-punched or drilled work ...

This is the Rhin-o Tuff machine for spiral binding. You can fit maybe 25 sheets into the little gutter and these books are about 75-100 sheets each. So, 3-4 punches per book.

This is the pedal, which I use with my left foot, while I keep my right leg/knee straight for balance and support... see all the punched out holes?

The finished product below, well, some of it. . . .

After about 6-8 boxes of this, my knee needs resting...as do my feet! And that is how I became a member of the Gimpy Knee Club.

1 comment:

  1. I meant to ask about joining on SGAFF, yep sign me up, osteoarthritis and been told too young to be operated on :(
